Take the Devil Seriously


Sunday -9:15 AM Bible Study / 10:30 AM Worship Service / 6:00 PM Evening Service --- Wednesday - 6:15 Bible Study & PBYF

Jul. 26, 2020


Luke 9:37-42

1 - The devil will make sure you know that when you're coming to Jesus, the devil will throw you down.

2-  The devil will make you look at self and not Christ.

3 - The best way to get rid of the devil is to think about Jesus.

Scriptures that tell us there is a devil:

Acts 5:3 (lies)

1 Corinthians 7:9 (marriage)

Luke 22:31

1 Thessalonians 2:18 (hinderance)

1 Timothy 1 (later times)

Ephesians 6:10 (proof)

Isaiah 14 (Lucifer)

Revelation 13:8 (God's plan before devil)

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