July Newsletter: Church Talk


Sunday -9:15 AM Bible Study / 10:30 AM Worship Service / 6:00 PM Evening Service --- Wednesday - 6:15 Bible Study & PBYF

by: Elder Randy Waters



And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.  Ephesians 1:22,23

The church is not a place we go but a place we grow. The church is a grace place where we find the fertile fields of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church is not a social club nor is it meant to be the hub of organized religion. The church is a living organism though, and she draws her life from Christ Jesus.

While a denominational title and statements of faith and prac- tice may indicate what the church believes, Jesus Christ controls what His church does. Just because a church has a sign over the door and a Facebook page, doesnt mean it is Christs church. God has a universal church comprised of His elected, redeemed people who have been notified of such a privileged position by the Holy Spirit. Its not what a church claims to be as much as it is what she does.

God created the body of man to function, and every part has a purpose. The church is the body of Christ and Jesus is the head of that body. This means that He is in charge and that everything that goes on in His church should meet His approval. It also means that the church cannot exist without Jesus Christ just as a headless body would be a dead body.

Only by grace have we been delivered from the body of Satan and placed in the body of Christ. We are now a part of His sinless, perfect body. Yes, I know thats hard to imagine given our sinful, natural tendencies which are still hanging around. But God is not going to have anything to do with sin and since we are a part of His body, obviously He has a lot to do with us, so He had to take our sin away. He did that on the cross of Calvary. Well never ever be able to get good enough, or do enough to merit membership in His church. The truth is, we dont have to, for He has already done it. Actually, our unworthiness is the greatest proof of our salvation.

Everybody wants to be a part of something and the local church is the perfect platform to jump into a meaningful life on Earth. Now we all dont have the same spiritual gifts or abilities, but just like the parts of our bodies, every part matters, especially the parts on the inside which we cant see. Also, when any part of the body is injured or infected, it affects the entire body. An ingrown toenail can adversely affect the way one walks and an upset stomach will keep us away from the dining room.

Realizing we are a part of the body of Christ gives us a new dimension of worship and service as a church family. The person sitting beside you Sunday morning is not just a warm body, but is a part of Je- sus’ body. If you look close, you will see some scars!

Brother Randy

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And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.  Ephesians 1:22,23

The church is not a place we go but a place we grow. The church is a grace place where we find the fertile fields of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church is not a social club nor is it meant to be the hub of organized religion. The church is a living organism though, and she draws her life from Christ Jesus.

While a denominational title and statements of faith and prac- tice may indicate what the church believes, Jesus Christ controls what His church does. Just because a church has a sign over the door and a Facebook page, doesnt mean it is Christs church. God has a universal church comprised of His elected, redeemed people who have been notified of such a privileged position by the Holy Spirit. Its not what a church claims to be as much as it is what she does.

God created the body of man to function, and every part has a purpose. The church is the body of Christ and Jesus is the head of that body. This means that He is in charge and that everything that goes on in His church should meet His approval. It also means that the church cannot exist without Jesus Christ just as a headless body would be a dead body.

Only by grace have we been delivered from the body of Satan and placed in the body of Christ. We are now a part of His sinless, perfect body. Yes, I know thats hard to imagine given our sinful, natural tendencies which are still hanging around. But God is not going to have anything to do with sin and since we are a part of His body, obviously He has a lot to do with us, so He had to take our sin away. He did that on the cross of Calvary. Well never ever be able to get good enough, or do enough to merit membership in His church. The truth is, we dont have to, for He has already done it. Actually, our unworthiness is the greatest proof of our salvation.

Everybody wants to be a part of something and the local church is the perfect platform to jump into a meaningful life on Earth. Now we all dont have the same spiritual gifts or abilities, but just like the parts of our bodies, every part matters, especially the parts on the inside which we cant see. Also, when any part of the body is injured or infected, it affects the entire body. An ingrown toenail can adversely affect the way one walks and an upset stomach will keep us away from the dining room.

Realizing we are a part of the body of Christ gives us a new dimension of worship and service as a church family. The person sitting beside you Sunday morning is not just a warm body, but is a part of Je- sus’ body. If you look close, you will see some scars!

Brother Randy

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