Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.” Malachi 3:8
Back in the time of Malachi, the transgressions of God’s people had increased to the point where the covenant community was even stealing from God. It might seem strange to speak of human beings robbing the Lord who created the universe and everything in it. After all, God is sovereign over all and owns the whole creation. So how can it be said that a person could steal from Him?
When establishing a covenant with the Israelites, God made them stewards over His bounty, and gave them the responsibility to enjoy and manage that which was rightfully theirs. They were not, however, permitted to keep for themselves that which did not belong to them. This obviously is what they were doing and God is calling their hand on it. They were keeping the tithes and offerings for the Temple and priests for themselves. God gives us the right to private ownership of possessions, but He does not like it when we use them contrary to His laws of giving. Along with the right to ownership of possessions comes the duty and responsibility to hold them loosely and to give them freely and charitably to His Kingdom’s work and ministry. When we fail to give in this capacity we are in effect robbing God. Even though the Temple worship and priesthood system are gone, God’s people, the church, the body of Christ today, can and do rob God when we don’t support the Gospel’s influence and instruction. This endeavor is so important and should cause us to appreciate God’s enabling Grace when we obey it, and repent when we’re guilty of disobeying it. This is one sin I am convinced SPBC is not guilty of committing, at least for the church body as a whole. If you have attended conference and seen and heard the numbers given stating the monthly offerings, Homecoming contributions, and other annual gifts to the church, you know what I’m talking about. The giving capacity and faithfulness to tithe and contribute to the Kingdom’s work at SPBC in the community, and abroad, is truly outstanding and testifies of the sort of people God has built and continues to build one of His churches with. Thank you for your gracious charity and your responsible handling of the material blessings God has handed you. This is not something to brag about, but rather should humble us knowing we have the sweet privilege of giving to the One who has given all for us. Supporting the Gospel and helping the needy is about as good a way to say thank you God, as there is!
It’s All His.
Everything is God’s. He owns it all. Even our children are borrowed from Him! Yet, He has entrusted us to handle and manage what He has made and placed in our hands and hearts. We must never forget that we are His too! When we are obedient to the point of presenting ourselves to our Heavenly Father as a living sacrifice, we won’t quibble about giving ten percent or whatever in the offering plate on Sunday morning. Giving tithes and offerings keeps us honest in that it proves whose we are and what means most to us. It doesn’t really matter to God how much money we have. It does however matter to Him when our money means more to us than He does.
Hold It Loosely.
“Mine” is probably the first and easiest word a child learns. It comes natural for all of us for we are fallen sinners. But when God saves us by His grace and we realize that Jesus Christ has taken our place and God’s irresistible Grace causes us to follow Him, things and possessions don’t mean so much anymore. One mighty act of the Grace of God is that it causes us to loosen our grip on worldly things. Dying Grace is a great benefit to every believer. The tighter we try to hold on to our worldly possessions, the harder it is for us to die. I have preached numerous funerals during my ministry and I have yet to have noticed any money in the caskets nor a storage rental at the gravesite.
He Will Make It Happen.
When we walk with God, we always get to where we’re supposed to be. We can never out give God, but it’s alright to try to. It is true it’s better to give than to receive! With God, the more we give, the more we get. Jesus puts it this way, “If a man loses his life for my sake, he will find it.” God says it this way:Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3:10One of the greatest miracles God performs every day is the miracle of being more content and happier with fellowship with God than having the world’s fleeting and fake formula for success applied to our lives. If you want your cup to run over, give faithfully and cheerfully to God and find a bountiful return on your investment. It’s amazing how God causes the ten percent we give to bless us and others more than the ninety percent we keep.
>Brother Randy
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