Bible Study Classes


Sunday -9:15 AM Bible Study / 10:30 AM Worship Service / 6:00 PM Evening Service --- Wednesday - 6:15 Bible Study & PBYF

 There is a place for you..

Join us every Sunday morning at 9:15 am for an hour of groups followed by our worship service at 10:30am.

Try out a Sunday Bible class. This time of studying god's word with other believers is meant to be an aid to all who are seeking to have a deeper knowledge of the truths of scripture. We have six adult classes to choose from. Any of them would be happy to have you visit or join. Simply ask and you'll be directed to a class. Feel free to try them all before deciding which one fits you best.

Check out a Bible Study Class!

Freida Beasley Class:

Room #112

This is a children's class made up of post-nursery children through 2nd grade.

Teachers: Sheila Hutchens - Tiffany Patterson - Jennifer Starling - Megan Tyson

Robert Cason Primary:

Room #113

The Robert Cason Bible Study class is for Elementary Youth primarily 3rd-5th graders. Our small group class provides an intimate time to nourish our children in the love of Christ. Through play, activities, and storytelling, children get to know Jesus and what it means to follow Him,. They get excited about the God we serve.

Teachers: Kim Brannen - Emily & Greg Kennedy - Melanie Nessmith 

Junior Bible Study:

This class is made up of 6th - 8th grade students.

Teachers: Debra & Tony Nessmith - Greg & Jennifer Sikes - Alt.: Todd Hutchens

Teens Class:

Room #210

This class is made up of 9th-12th grade students.

Teachers: Heather Brannen - Ryan Brannen - Cindi Hart - Alt. Lynn Futch

  Contact Us

The Journey Class:

Room #211

This class is made up of post high school young adults and young married adults.

Teachers: Rotate between members

T. Roe Scott Class:

Room #101

This is an adult class made up of single and married adults.

Teachers: Wayne Brannen - Kathy Rushing - Lindsay Walker

Servants Class:

Room # 212

This is an adult class made up of single and married adults.

  Facilitators: Rotate between members

Feb. 16Donald & Dale
Feb. 23David & Ann
Mar. 2Linda & Gary
Mar. 9Warren & Rita
Mar. 16Linda S.
Mar. 23Donald & Dale
Mar. 30David & Ann
Apr. 6Rose Mary
Apr. 13Mark & Diane
Apr. 27Linda & Gary
May 4Warren & Rita
May 11Lynn
May 18Linda S.
May 25Janice

Jan. 2025Linda & Gary
Feb. 2025Rita & Warren
Mar. 2025Linda S. & Janice
Apr. 2025Ann & David
May 2025Dale & Donald
June 2025Diane & Mark
July 2025Rose Mary & Lynn
Aug. 2025Linda & Gary
Sept. 2025Rita & Warren
Oct. 2025Linda S. & Janice
Nov. 2025Ann & David
Dec. 2025Dale & Donald

Virgil Agan Class:

Room #208

This is an adult class made up of single and married adults.

Teacher: Ed Boulineau

Marian Agan Class:

Room #209

This is an adult women's class.

Teachers: Faye Adams - Myra Brantley - Jane Cason - Carolyn Hotchkiss - Shirley Wilkes

Faith & Fellowship Class:

Room #207

This is an adult women's class.

Teachers: Carolyn Gay - Elaine Smith

Frank Williams Class:

Room #204

This is an adult men's class.

Teachers: Arthur Woodrum - Subs: Jimmy Adams - Dan Deal - John Allen Smith

Plan your visit