The latest at Statesboro Primitive Baptist Church
Below are some thoughts, comments, and praises from our pastor, Elder Randy Waters, to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.
March Newsletter: Church Talk
by: Elder Randy Waters
Even though the church universal, the body of Christ, has a sure foundation in Christ Himself as the chief cornerstone and will be triumphant even during the coming tribulation, it does seem the church, especially the local church, has lost some of her clout in today’s culture. It’s comforting to know tha more
February Newsletter
by: Elder Randy Waters
Back in the time of Malachi, the transgressions of God’s people had increased to the point where the covenant community was even stealing from God. It might seem strange to speak of human beings robbing the Lord who created the universe and everything in it. After all, God is sovereign over all and owns the whole creation. So how can it be said that a more
January Newsletter: Church Talk
by: Elder Randy Waters
In Elisha the Prophet’s day, there was a group of men studying the scriptures and learning about God. They grew in knowledge but also in number. The building they were meeting in became too small to hold them all, so they decided to build a bigger building. Anytime growth is involved, there is work to be done, whether it’s in natur more
December Church Talk
by: Elder Randy Waters
The first Christmas was surely a momentous event. God’s plan of salvation was planted on Earth at the first Christmas. The virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is a miracle indeed, but God’s plan of salvation is even more miraculous! E more
November Newsletter: Church Talk
by: Elder Randy Waters
We ought to praise the Lord in every place and all the time! He sure is worthy of praise — a praiseworthy God indeed. He meets our every need, and our greatest need is realizing our need of Him. The more we need God, the more He supplies to fulfill our need. And the more our needs are met, the more we want to thank Him for meeting them. Actually, we should be real more
October Newsletter: Church Talk
by: Elder Randy Waters
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September Newsletter: CHURCH TALK
by: Elder Randy Waters
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August News Notes: Church Talk
by: Elder Randy Waters
God likes volunteers! The first response of the redeemed is service. Isaiah’s vision of the thrice Holy God exposed his sins, but his “Woe is me!” quickly became “Here I am; send me” when the sacrifice of the Lamb purged his lips. The Apostle Paul’s Damascus road encounter with the Lord Jesus changed his life forever. Instead of doing h more
July Newsletter: Church Talk
by: Elder Randy Waters
The church is not a place we go but a place we grow. The church is a grace place where we find the fertile fields of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church is not a social club nor is it meant to be the hub of organized religion. The church is a living organism though, and she draws her more
by: Elder Randy Waters
Summertime is the season of high speed activities in life’s internet. We should be thankful that God has provided such a wonderful Wi-Fi of Grace which connects us to His works and provides the means for our wants to be His will. Nature this time of year is like a full speed internet sending signals from the Almighty Creator of all things, that He is in charge of it all. When a summer rain brings revival to the grass, crops, forests and flowers, it causes us to be revived more
by: Elder Randy Waters
Hello church family and friends! May is a mighty good month to see what God may do. Whatever He does will be just right and won’t have any cracks or smears, although it may bring some tears. Sometimes our tears make a prism for our spiritual eyes so that we can see Heaven a little clearer. One thing for sure, May is a time to rejoice in God’s grace. Whether it’s graduation, the flowers or planting the fields, the God of all grace is showing His goodness and favor in His cr more
by: Elder Randy Waters
Greetings Christian friends! Spring has sprung and that causes our hearts to spring up and out with abundant amazement in our Creator’s wisdom, power, and handiwork Surely no one can question the divine ability of our God to do anything given the revelation which springtime brings with it. Just a few weeks ago the grass was brown and the trees were bare and dormant. But just look now! Is there a God or not? There is, and what a mighty God too! Every season, in nature and i more
by: Elder Randy Waters
Hello to all this glorious day! March is normally a windy month and it should remind us of just how important the wind really is For something that cannot be seen nor controlled by man, the wind is one of the the greatest blessings God has granted His created world. Without the winds, this earth would literally burn up. Rain also cannot be manufactured by man, but when moisture is drawn up from the ocean surface by the wind and then carried across the continents by weather more
by: Elder Randy Waters
February is here and it is clear that God loves us! After all, He died for us and now He lives for us. There is a beautiful human we sometimes sing entitled, "Because He Lives." The chorus is a most worthy theme for this newsletter, the month of February and really, for each day we live.
"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living, just because He lives."
There are more
by: Elder Randy Waters
Happy New Year! As we begin this year of 2024, let's start it out happy. For sure, almighty God wants us to be happy because we've just finished celebrating His good tidings of great joy, the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Anything new ought to make us happy. However, sometimes our problems and pains have a tendency to weigh us down and keep our happiness from floating, especially when the waters of trouble are turbulent, and our trials come up like riptides.
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